大江生醫「千萬論文計畫」自六年前啟動以來,已成功協助超過70篇論文發表於國際期刊,並將研究成果運用於產品研發,行銷全球67個國家。 此計畫旨在激勵更多科研人才,共同創造更多具有國際影響力的研究成果,為台灣科研貢獻一份力量。
本次「千萬論文計畫」的報名截止日期為2025年2月28日。 研究領域聚焦於:腸道健康與益生菌、體重管理與代謝健康、抗老化與皮膚健康、睡眠與壓力管理、骨骼與鈣代謝健康、呼吸道健康與免疫調節、心血管健康與抗炎功能、情緒管理與激素平衡等八大面向。 參與人數無上限,每位成功申請者均可獲得研究經費資助。
申請方式簡單便捷,只需透過官方網站連結(https://bit.ly/3PBacOA)登記、掃描官方QR code或EMAIL提交申請即可。 無論是進行中的研究或即將啟動的新項目,只要符合國際期刊論文發表或科學臨床研究的範疇,皆歡迎申請。
大江生醫深信學術研究是提升國家競爭力的關鍵。 透過提供資源支持,培育更多具國際視野的科研人才,不僅能提升台灣學術水準,更能為社會帶來實質貢獻。 大江生醫期盼藉由「千萬論文計畫」,與台灣優秀的學者專家攜手合作,共同將台灣的科研成果推向世界。
To promote the development of academic research in Taiwan and enhance international scientific competitiveness, DBio officially launched its “Ten Million Research Grant Program” in 2025. The program invites top Taiwanese scholars to participate, providing ample research resources and a platform to support academic and clinical research, as well as the publication of papers in international journals. This program not only demonstrates DBio’s commitment to scientific research but also unites Taiwan’s academic strength on a global stage.
Six Years of Cultivation, Abundant Results:
Since its inception six years ago, DBio’s “Ten Million Research Grant Program” has successfully supported the publication of over 70 papers in international journals. The research findings have been applied to product development and marketed in 67 countries worldwide. This program aims to encourage more scientific research talent to collaboratively create research results with international impact, contributing to Taiwan’s scientific research efforts.
Research Areas and Application Methods:
The application deadline for the “Ten Million Research Grant Program” is February 28, 2025. Research areas focus on eight key areas: gut health and probiotics, weight management and metabolic health, anti-aging and skin health, sleep and stress management, bone and calcium metabolism health, respiratory health and immune modulation, cardiovascular health and anti-inflammatory function, and emotion management and hormone balance. There is no limit to the number of participants, and each successful applicant will receive research funding.
The application process is simple and convenient. Applicants only need to register through the official website link (https://bit.ly/3PBacOA), scan the official QR code, or submit their application via email. Whether the research is ongoing or a new project about to begin, applications are welcome as long as they fall within the scope of international journal publication or scientific clinical research.
DBio: Enhancing Taiwan’s International Competitiveness through Scientific Research:
DBio firmly believes that academic research is crucial for enhancing national competitiveness. By providing support and resources, and fostering more internationally-minded scientific research talent, the program aims to not only improve Taiwan’s academic standards but also make tangible contributions to society. We hope that through the “Ten Million Research Grant Program,” we can work hand-in-hand with Taiwan’s excellent scholars and experts to jointly promote Taiwan’s scientific research achievements to the world.